Part 2. FO Processing Instruction Reference


This is generated reference documentation for all user-specifiable processing instructions (PIs) in the DocBook XSL stylesheets for FO output.


You add these PIs at particular points in a document to cause specific “exceptions” to formatting/output behavior. To make global changes in formatting/output behavior across an entire document, it’s better to do it by setting an appropriate stylesheet parameter (if there is one).

Table of Contents

dbfo_background-color — Sets background color for an image
dbfo_bgcolor — Sets background color on a table row or table cell
dbfo_float-type — Specifies float behavior for a sidebar
dbfo_font-size — Specifies “font-size” for block verbatim elements
dbfo_funcsynopsis-style — Specifies presentation style for a funcsynopsis
dbfo_glossary-presentation — Specifies presentation style for a glossary
dbfo_glosslist-presentation — Specifies presentation style for a glosslist
dbfo_glossterm-width — Specifies the glossterm width for a glossary or glosslist
dbfo_keep-together — Specifies “keep” behavior for a table, example, figure, equation, procedure, or task
dbfo_label-width — Specifies the label width for a qandaset, itemizedlist, orderedlist or calloutlist
dbfo_linenumbering.everyNth — Specifies interval for line numbers in verbatims
dbfo_linenumbering.separator — Specifies separator text for line numbers in verbatims
dbfo_linenumbering.width — Specifies width for line numbers in verbatims
dbfo_list-presentation — Specifies presentation style for a variablelist or segmentedlist
dbfo_list-width — Specifies the width of a horizontal simplelist
dbfo_orientation — Specifies the orientation for a CALS table row or cell
dbfo_pgwide — Specifies if an equation or example goes across full page width
dbfo_rotated-width — Specifies the width for a CALS table entry or row
dbfo_sidebar-width — Specifies the width of a sidebar
dbfo_start — (obsolete) Sets the starting number on an ordered list
dbfo_table-width — Specifies the width for a CALS table or for revhistory output
dbfo_term-width — Specifies the term width for a variablelist
dbfo_toc — Specifies whether a TOC should be generated for a qandaset
dbfo-need — Specify a need for space (a kind of soft page break)
dbfo_row-height — Specifies the height for a CALS table row